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Are you tired of lackluster food systems in your FiveM server? Say goodbye to bland and boring meal mechanics and say hello to the next level of immersive gameplay! Our unique Food System script revolutionizes the dining experience in your virtual world, offering a plethora of features that will keep your players engaged and craving for more.

Get it now!


  1. Put ensure sqz_foodsystem to your server.cfg (or any start cfg file) and put the resource named sqz_foodsystem -maybe you will have to rename it- into your resources folder.
  2. Download dependencies: ox_lib, ox_target
  3. Insert new animations to your emotes menu:
  • Into bk_emotes/Client/AnimationList.lua , DP.PropEmotes table insert:
["carryplates"] = {"anim@heists@box_carry@", "idle", "Carry Plates", AnimationOptions =
Prop = "prop_cs_plate_01",
PropBone = 60309,
PropPlacement = {0.09, -0.04, 0.11, -100.0, 40.0, 40.0},
SecondProp = 'prop_cs_plate_01',
SecondPropBone = 57005,
SecondPropPlacement = {0.18, -0.01, -0.11, -110.0, -10.0, 30.0},
EmoteLoop = true,
EmoteMoving = true,
["carrydrinks"] = {"anim@heists@humane_labs@finale@keycards", "ped_a_enter_loop", "Carry Drinks", AnimationOptions =
Prop = 'v_ret_247_popcan2',
PropBone = 18905,
PropPlacement = {0.12, 0.12, -0.02, -104.0, 27.0, -19.0},
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = true